Redefining north.

Who's the mayor of the Mendenhall?

Who's the mayor of the Mendenhall?


Annual literary mags like Passages North must drive writers crazy. We’re getting Issue 34 (due out this winter) ready for the printer, and we’re reading new subs for Issue 35, which will come out a year-plus from now. So if you get an acceptance at the beginning of this reading period, our managing editor will let you know you’ll see your work in print in January of 2014. I’m sure that sounds like sci-fi time, when we’ll be reading in our hoverchairs as we decide on a vitadinner. Who has the patience? (Thankfully, all of our writers do. We appreciate it.)

We’re lucky to have support from Northern Michigan University to fund our print issue, but every once in a while, in the past, a piece would come in that just couldn't wait. Whether the work was timely, or its physical shape was better suited for the screen, or it simply needed to be out in the world right now, we had to pass. But no longer. Starting now (soon) Passages North will post occasional, unscheduled, super-duper bonus content online.

First up, cartographer Denis Wood. (See his interview in The Believer here.) You might think cartography is a subject that could survive our glacial pacing, but your iPhone probably disagrees.

The Cartographic Mode of Production and the Map’s New Mask by Dennis Wood

The Cartographic Mode of Production and the Map’s New Mask by Dennis Wood

Writers on Writing #26: Lori A. May

Writers on Writing #26: Lori A. May