Sunflower Tea

by Kenton K. Yee

Are those dandelion heads or ghosts?
My father loved his boiled water.
The city erased my stars. Behind those
puffy clouds, countless galaxies.
Umbrellas in cemeteries cast
the longest shadows. Pulsars are stars
too small to morph into black holes.
It’s nature. It’s natural.
Of course, but use safety scissors
when beheading sunflowers.
Keep going! Tea has no cholesterol.
Nor fat. Cheap, too, nothing but
flavor. And reusable. I’m coming—
I’m coming. Take my bag.

Kenton K. Yee’s recent poems appear in Kenyon Review, Plume Poetry, Threepenny Review, TAB Journal, I-70 Review, Hawaii Pacific Review,, McNeese Review, Sugar House Review, Constellations, Valparaiso Poetry Review, and Rattle, among others. Kenton writes from Northern California.