Redefining north.

Notes from Crew Quarters: Online Ritual Redux

Notes from Crew Quarters: Online Ritual Redux


This week, Ethan Brightbill brought back an old Crew Quarters question for our editors: What is the first website you check after waking up, or alternatively, what's the last site you check before bed?

Brenna Womer Associate Fiction Editor

Submittable. #noshame #writerlife

Karl Schroeder Associate Poetry Editor

I usually play Sporcle quizzes every night until I pass out and wake up to learn the capital of Montenegro is not mmmmmmmmmmmm m;/io;;o//////////////////////

E. Flores Associate Poetry Editor

I normally wake up and check the stock market to see if my smell-o-vision investment has finally paid off, and most nights I fall asleep to this cool website that plays children screaming on loop.

Jacob Hall Associate Fiction Editor

Lately I like to get lost in comment chains on C-SPAN's Facebook page until I find someone arguing that they're fake news. I try to go to sleep then.

Arabesque No. 1 by Lillian Kwok

Arabesque No. 1 by Lillian Kwok

In through a Door, out a Window by Elijah Matthew Tubbs

In through a Door, out a Window by Elijah Matthew Tubbs