Redefining north.

Notes From Crew Quarters: New Year Writing

Notes From Crew Quarters: New Year Writing


This week, Ethan Brightbill asked our staff to look toward the new year and how they plan on improving their writing.

Jacqueline Boucher, Managing Editor

Like most other things in my life, I really like to feel as though I'm in control of my writing at all times. This year, I'd like to learn to roll with unexpected developments, maybe see what happens when I'm just along for the ride.

Krys Malcolm Belc, Associate Fiction Editor

I gotta write more queer things, especially with the impending doom settling upon us in 2017. My voice is important. Onwards and upwards.

Liz Trueblood, Intern

Collaboration--I hope to have more time to share my work with others and get feedback!

E. Flores, Associate Poetry Editor

I look most look forward to the part where I reward myself with food before I've actually even written.

Jason Teal, Associate Fiction Editor

I want to be taken seriously as a horror writer. My fiction has used and continues to exhibit a lot of these tropes and this semester I've declared this is the tradition of my stories. Whether or not this is true can be up for debate. So, all that comes with forging an identity as a writer--reading exciting new horror (Kea Wilson, Paul Tremblay, for starters), converting chilling scenes into experimental flash forms, and subsequently selling my parents on this thing I was always meant to do.

Alexander Clark, Associate Nonfiction Editor

Write things that aren't about me, but are still focused on queer/trans identity. I really want to work on research and long-term CNF research projects.

Patricia Killelea, Poetry Editor

I need to actually submit to publications. I write everyday, but I rarely send work out. My new year's resolution is to honor my words by once again sharing them with others.

Deziree' Brown, Associate Poetry Editor

Writing more. Writing queer things. Writing weird things. Experimenting with forms like ghazals and tankas. Getting a publication system in place so I'm submitting every few months at least. So all the things?

Ashley Adams, Associate Nonfiction Editor

Working on some fun novel outlines.

Notes From Crew Quarters: The Writers You Don't Know

Notes From Crew Quarters: The Writers You Don't Know

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