Redefining north.

Notes from Crew Quarters: What Fuels Us

Notes from Crew Quarters: What Fuels Us


This week, since the symbol for Passages North is a rocket, we asked: What fuels the Passages North crew?

John LaPine, Associate Nonfiction Editor


Jacque Boucher, Spoken Word Poetry

Cats who think they're people, people who think they're cats, and the possibility that someone (maybe Robin) still has cookies stashed behind her desk.

Andrea Wuorenmaa, Associate Nonfiction Editor

The hope that Timston Johnston will make us more cake.

Annie Bilancini, Associate Fiction Editor

Our weekly group worship of the God of Snow, Heikki Lunta, followed by a group jump into Lake Superior. The weak swimmers are left behind. It thins the herd.

Mike Berry, Associate Fiction Editor

Mamma Berry's cookies, Stucko's chicken wings, and a general fear of all things not words.

Amy Hansen, Associate Poetry Editor

I mean, I feel like the gas tank of the PN office is the Keurig.

James Dyer, Associate Nonfiction Editor

Wilton Silver Color Mist food coloring spray. Don't get witnessed without it.

Matt Ftacek, Associate Poetry Editor

Free cookies left in the kitchenette.

Jason Teal, Associate Poetry Editor

An experimental formula, unregulated by the DOT, whose main components are unpublished collaborative manuscripts by the Beat Generation and inaugural poems by James Franco.

Hayley Fitz, Associate Fiction Editor


Writers on Writing #103: Wendy Fontaine

Writers on Writing #103: Wendy Fontaine

Notes from Crew Quarters: The PN Soundtrack