Redefining north.

Notes from Crew Quarters: The Days of Summer

Notes from Crew Quarters: The Days of Summer


Notes from Crew Quarters is back for the summer! In honor of the time off, Ben Kinney asked the crew to describe their ideal summer day.

Ashely Adams, Associate Nonfiction Editor

My ideal summer day is just getting out and doing some birding. Waterfowl, warblers, shorebirds, whatever shows up. They're all fantastic and just trying their best.

Annie Bilancini, Associate Fiction Editor

My ideal summer day is predictable: cold-brewed coffee, reading on a blanket in the grass, grilling out, IPAs, my dog, an unbreakable blood pact with a chaos demon. Typical stuff.

John LaPine, Associate Nonfiction Editor

Ore Dock, then Rice Paddy, then Frosty Treats. Sunshine and Lake Superior. And friends too.

Jacque Boucher, Spoken Word Poetry

My ideal summer day consists of the following: reading, writing, terrible Netflix horror movies, and pretending I'll finally buy something at Target this time. Sometimes I switch up the order for a little flavor, or add in an impromptu adventure to find sunlight, but really, the terrible horror movies are non-negotiable.

Jill Harris, Associate Nonfiction Editor

Well, I took the summer off to explore Marquette, and every day brings something new to be grateful for. Like baby geese and their parents coming in from Lake Superior.

Robin McCarthy, Managing Editor 

This summer I'm working a couple part-time jobs and writing a bunch, so the ideal summer day is one in which I show up everywhere I'm supposed to at the right time in appropriate clothing.

Andrea Wuorenmaa, Associate Nonfiction Editor

My ideal summer day involves exploring the U.P. on foot, bike, or in a car. I've lived here for most of my life, but there are still new things to see. I just bought an elaborate Northern Michigan atlas and I plan on having great fun with it for the rest of the summer.

Self-portrait with Tucson by Julie Swarstad Johnson

Self-portrait with Tucson by Julie Swarstad Johnson

Turnpike by Kathryn E. Hill

Turnpike by Kathryn E. Hill