Redefining north.

Notes from Crew Quarters: AWP Edition!

Notes from Crew Quarters: AWP Edition!


Could Passages be more ecstatic about this year's AWP? The obvious answer is no, because our editors got to combine their two most consuming passions: phenomenal writers and phenomenal food. So let's find out who our editors would most wish to talk to, and what they'd like to eat as they chat.

Rachael Belmore, Associate Nonfiction Editor

After seeing Karen Russell’s stellar keynote address, I am even surer of my choice of which author at AWP 2015 I would like to sit down with. Russell is as charming as her imagination is vivid. I’d love to ask her all of the questions I have about the magic she’s created in Vampires in the Lemon Grove over a glass of Madeira, dark chocolate, and almonds.

Eli Hemmila, Intern

There exists, somewhere on the internet, a picture of me next to Dessa with the most scared and surprised expression on my face. I’d like to find a Peruvian restaurant where she and I could sit in a booth and take a totally-not-horrendous selfie. Then I’d post it on social media, thereby overcoming my long-held, if admittedly trivial, embarrassment. If all else fails, I can drown my shame in ceviche.

Jacque Boucher, Spoken Word Poetry

I'd want to take Danez Smith out for Indian food. The whole time, I'd want to ask him about intersectional social justice and how exactly to write trauma into silence. But instead, I'd mostly want to listen, so the only question I'd remember to ask was how spicy he liked his palak paneer. The answer would be just as satisfying.

Annie Bilancini, Associate Fiction Editor

There were too many writers I was excited about. Too many amazing books and awesome journals and friends and meals and tote bags! All those tote bags. I feel like a toddler on crack at AWP, but what a happy, drug-addled toddler I am! So drug-addled. So happy.

Mike Berry, Associate Fiction Editor

I've kind of already met her, but I'm excited to see Melinda Moustakis. Her work is phenomenal. If I got to do dinner with Melinda, I think it'd be interesting to see how both of us functioned at a fancy, white tablecloth place (French, Italian, whatever) because it seems like we'd both be more comfortable at a 24-hour greasy spoon. You know, the type of place where you don't question what you're eating. Just chew and swallow.

Amy Hansen, Associate Poetry Editor

I would like to have a long dinner with sushi and my old friend, Chipotle. And Indian food. Also, ripe avocados. Any writer can join me as long as they're cool with not talking because I intend to eat continuously.

Matt Weinkam, Managing Editor

After watching her panel on TV and fiction writing, I'd love to get Thai food with Alissa Nutting. She's whip smart, too funny, and I can't think of a better person to talk with over curry.

Jardins sous la pluie by Laura Donnelly

Jardins sous la pluie by Laura Donnelly

Notes from Crew Quarters: I Find the Reader Guilty

Notes from Crew Quarters: I Find the Reader Guilty