Draw the sounds coming out of the drum.

by Mary Ann Samyn

In the history of dolls, there’s fear
and then there’s tea.


Nowadays the tousled look is best,
if you can pull it off.


In the other room, poker on TV.
At the real casino, penny slots.


Is this innovative enough for you?
What about now?


It turns out even bad dreams
make us happy and productive.


Finally!—the shipwreck book arrived
to hold my attention.


“Such are the dangers and pleasures
of formal analysis.”


Choo-choo is one sound I make
when I round the bend.

Mary Ann Samyn's most recent books include Beauty Breaks In (New Issues 2009) and The Boom of a Small Cannon (Dancing Girl Press 2010). She teaches in the MFA program at West Virginia University.